Please contact your state legislators today and demand that plans for the FL Legislative Special Session be cancelled.
In addition, given that Dr. Ladpo must be confirmed by the Florida Senate, please tell your state Senator that you OPPOSE Dr. Ladapo’s confirmation.
CITRUS: Senate President Wilton Simpson (R)
Tallahassee #: (850) 487-5010
District #: (352) 688-5077
Representative Ralph Massullo, Jr (R)
Tallahassee #: (850) 717-5034
District #: (352) 527-4510
URGENT ACTION REQUEST From the DWCF Legislative Chair-
"Unless you have been relaxing on the beach with your umbrella drink in hand, you probably know that our Governor is calling for a pointless November Special Session of the FL Legislature to fight proposed federal vaccine requirements and those put in place by Florida local governments and businesses. Most of us know the best way to move out of this pandemic and get our freedom back is through testing and vaccines recommended by most global public health experts. However, DeSantis prefers to engage in another fundraising political stunt to gin up the Republican base of extremist QAnon and anti-vaxx supporters around the country. In the process, he doesn’t care that he is putting more Florida lives and our economy at risk and wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in the process. It has become all about making DeSantis first and putting Floridians last. The fact that almost 60,000 citizens have expired under his watch is of no concern to him. He enjoys playing the Florida Hunger Games.
To make matters even worse, the Governor recently appointed an ultra-far-right physician with no experience in public health to be Florida’s new Surgeon General, pending Senate confirmation. Last year, Dr. Joseph Ladapo not only stood with the conspiracy-addled group called America’s Frontline Doctors to promote the ineffective drug hydroxycholoquine to treat COVID, he has come out in public opposition to the use of vaccines and masks to deter the spread of the virus. So, his medical judgment is quite suspect. But so is his humanity. FL State Senator Tina Polsky, who was recently diagnosed with cancer, asked him repeatedly to don a mask while talking to her in her office. He refused, and flippantly said “Sometimes I try to reason with unreasonable people for fun.” Cruel? Yes. Par for the course in the DeSantis administration? Yes. Fit to hold the position of top public health official in Florida? Absolutely not!
This has gone way beyond crazy, folks. This is how authoritarian regimes take hold. Pernicious gaslighting. Pitting neighbor against neighbor. Denigrating science and the free press.
Please contact your state legislators today and demand that plans for the FL Legislative Special Session be cancelled. I have attached a PDF document from Florida Watch ( with more talking points in English and Spanish for your review and use. In addition, given that Dr. Ladpo must be confirmed by the Florida Senate, please tell your state Senator that you OPPOSE Dr. Ladapo’s confirmation.
Thank you, Jean Siebenaler DWCF Legislative Chair"